Yogi bhanu

Chakras and their relation with the sound

Chakra balancing with sounds

Everything is energy. The place where we live and the surroundings are all manifested with energy. It is within the matter or outside the matter in subtle form but consists of a movement, which is known as energy, accepted by quantum physics, and its theory evolved around it by proving it through scientific terms.

Well every matter we see in relation with a gross identity of it but when we look within the matter what do we find is simply an empty space but we identify with it matter or object but actually its empty its just a space where the energy is moving it is not tangible it is unsubstantial

All matter is holding through a bond of magnetic force which is just an empty space or call it electromagnetic force.

We are probably aware of how music and sound affect our body and mind. It is believed to connect the physical, emotional and spiritual realms. Which has an instant impact and long lasting. sound affects the moods, releasing neurotransmitters including dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, cortisol, immunoglobulins and endorphins and affecting the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
Sound therapy involves to have a positive affect to promote better health with emotions, feelings, sensations and experiences.
Sound has a direct impact on increasing memory and cognitive functioning of left and right hemispheres of the brain, such as playing an instrument and even singing.

What is chakra

Chakra translated as wheel or circle are the various energetical junction in the subtle body used as in meditational practices to awaken the spiritual conscious by balancing them through various practices involving sounds, visualisations, breathing practices, cleansing practices and locks of subtle energy channels as nadis.

However, the mention of energy centres as chakras within the body came out in traditional scriptures of tantra practices but as word chakra has mentioned in Vedic scriptures and in Upanishads with different context related not with psychic energy centres but with sounds, breathing, wheel of dharma and etc.
These chakras are column along the spinal chord mapped to specifically to the physiology of the body which theories about physiology and psychic centres that emerged across Indian traditions that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions, one "physical body" (sthula sarira) and other "psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical" it is called the "subtle body" (sukshma sarira). This subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass. The psyche or mind plane corresponds to and interacts with the body plane, and the theory posits that the body and the mind mutually affect each other.

Now working with balancing of these energy can be done through various mediums of modes of transmitting, modifying or even tuning them their optimum level. Sound means vibrations or energy itself has a direct relation with these centres.
Chakras it self is sound the movement of energy and this can be mapped by knowing their right balance harmonic sounds to function it on its right frequency.

Chakra and its sound concpets

There are numerous effects on chakra that seem to resonate with various sounds. Amongst them the most popular use is of vowels and the use of bija mantras and sonic sounds. There are number of different systems of sacred vowels to balance the chakras.

Alternate method of resonating the chakras is to use the bija mantras and the Sanskrit letters from the Vedic traditions, which balance the chakra sounds and it their principles.

The tradition of Vedic sound system had the power and aligning the energy to raise the human conscious. Here are two types of bija mantra silent ones and the spoken ones. Spoken loudly the bija mantra relates with directly with source of energy in it form present as chakra.
In the Vedic tradition These sounds are also related with each element present in the cosmos to be in harmony with the natural elements one recognises and receives the affect through chanting them loudly. These sounds are considered as the divine constructions of the creator.

Another aspect of sonic chakra resonance has to do with actual frequency or keynote of each chakra. This keynote is mathematically calculated on the basis of theory developed by Pythagoras.

In Indian classical music Seven Chakra Sounds of Love, or saptak was formed to attune with the spiritual sense of light to awaken the conscious.

Healing chakras with bija mantra

The Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify & balance the mind & body. When you speak the bija mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus upon your own instinctive awareness of your body & its needs.
Tibetan Buddhism

Considered to be the pivotal providence of Tantric thinking. And, the precise use of the chakras across the gamut of tantric sadhanas gives little space to doubt the primary efficacy of Tibetan Buddhism as distinct religious agency, that being that precise revelation that, without Tantra there would be no Chakras, but more importantly, without Chakras, there is no Tibetan Buddhism. The highest practices in Tibetan Buddhism point to the ability to bring the subtle pranas of an entity into alignment with the central channel, and to thus penetrate the realisation of the ultimate unity, namely, the "organic harmony" of one's individual consciousness of Wisdom with the co-attainment of All-embracing Love, thus synthesizing a direct cognition of absolute Buddhahood.

A system of five chakras is common among the Tantras and these five chakras along with their correspondences are:
Basal chakra
· Element: Earth,
· Buddha: Amoghasiddhi,
· Bija mantra: LAM

Abdominal chakra
· Element: Water,
· Buddha: Ratnasambhava,
· Bija mantra: VAM

Heart chakra
· Element: Fire,
· Buddha: Akshobhya,
· Bija mantra: RAM

Throat chakra

· Element: Wind,
· Buddha: Amitabha,
· Bija mantra: YAM

Crown chakra
· Element: Space,
· Buddha: Vairochana,
· Bija mantra: KHAM

Hindusim tradition

The more common and traditional practice related with chakra comes from Hinduism. Yogi progresses from lower chakras to the highest chakra blossoming in the crown of the head, internalizing the journey of spiritual ascent.
  • Root – Muladhara
    Keynote: C
    Frequency: 256 Hz.
    Vowel: Uh
    Bija: Lam
    Element: Earth
    Shabd Sound: Thunder/Earthquake
    Energy: Grounding
  • Sacral – Svadisthana
    Keynote: D
    Frequency: 288 Hz
    Vowel: Ooo
    Bija: Vam
    Element: Water
    Shabd Sound: Ocean
    Energy: Life Energy
  • Navel – Manipura
    Keynote: E
    Vowel: Oh
    Frequency: 320 Hz.
    Bija: Ram
    Element: Fire
    Shabd Sound: Roaring Fire
    Energy: Power
  • Heart – Anahata
    Keynote: F
    Frequency: 341.3 Hz.
    Vowel: Ah
    Bija: Yam
    Element: Air
    Shabd Sound: Wind
    Energy: Compassion, Love
  • Throat – Vishuddhi
    Keynote: G
    Frequency: 384 Hz.
    Vowel: Eye
    Bija: Ham
    Element: Ether
    Shabd Sound: Crickets
    Energy: Communication, Creation
  • 3rd Eye – Ajna
    Keynote: A
    Frequency: 426.7 Hz.
    Vowel: Aye
    Bija: Sham
    Element: All
    Shabd Sound: Bells/Space
    Energy: Insight, Wisdom
  • Crown – Sahasrara
    Keynote: B
    Frequency: 480 Hz.
    Vowel: Eee
    Bija: Om
    Element: All
    Shabd Sound: Om
    Energy: Transcendence

Indian classical music (saptak)

Sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa

These seven steps are really musical intervals which, when sounded, interconnect the seven chakric energy centers of the human body from the root to the crown, activating the ascending-descending force in the body. As with Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, there is a specific sound or swara for each of the energy centers as follows: SA (root) RE (pelvis) GA (solar plexus) MA (heart) PA (throat) DHA (third eye) NI (back of head). In India, each musical sound of the scale is considered to be a mantra and can be practiced alone as a meditation.
Through the subtle microtones and spaces between each of the seven chakra sounds with a greater depth of awareness and listening as the musical notes began to open up a vast uncharted spectrum of feeling inside me, energizing my body, dissolving negative emotion, and freeing my spirit in ways I had never known. Each chakra sound carries a vibrational power that awakens a specific emotional state, a realm of self-awareness and wisdom within us—from the root of the body into the pelvis, the solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, back of the head, and crown of the head—in the same way that the chakras or energy centers can. This sound work is a vibrational medicine.

The solfeggio frequencies and chakras

Used in medieval Gregorian Chants. Consequently, the chants and their Solfeggio tones were believed to bless the devout with spiritual transformation, when sung in harmony. Finally, these are derived from an ancient musical scale, quite different from the modern musical scales.

Each of the seven main Chakras responds to specific Chakra sound healing frequencies. This frequencies we use for Chakra balancing.

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:

1. UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear (Root Chakra)

2. RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change (Sacral Chakra)

3. MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) (Solar Plexus Chakra)

4. FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships (Heart Chakra)

5. SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition (Throat Chakra)

6. LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order (Third Eye Chakra)

How to practice

When we chant the Chakra (Sanskrit for "wheel") sounds, we receive the benefits of singing and deep breathing, as well as the benefits of focusing on altruistic qualities, connecting with the elements, and processing the experiences of our lives. Each chakra is rich with symbolism and meaning.

To chant the bija mantras (the seed syllable of each chakra), find a comfortable place, as you would for meditation. Use a tone that is natural and comfortable for your voice, not straining to be high or low in pitch. Let the sound rollout slowly for the duration of your breath. Give an equal part of the exhale to each part of the syllable and feel where they resonate.

Alternatively, you can chant each sound repeatedly and rapidly. You can start at the base and move to the top, or start at the top and move to the base, or just pick one chakra and chant there.
The important part is to practice mindfulness, or active listening, to your body and the sounds. There is not a wrong order in which to chant the bija mantras.
The practice of healing the chakras with sound doesn't need to be a professional musician and anyone can practice singing and listening the sounds of it. Over the years one gains confidence and faith on these practices to start attuning yourself to your emotions and then to locate where they are held in your body, and ultimately, to give them new vibrational and sonic clothes.

You can also improvise the practice of sound with various alternate mediums of therapy such as breathing movements, physical postures, kriyas meditations, visualizations and etc.

Most beautiful essence of this practice is that once can heal themselves by their own and the only medium needed is your own voice or ears.
Everyday we have to deal with the things situated around our lifestyle in disharmony way. To be in harmony with all these matter around us and still try to be sane requires a lot of mindfulness and concentration, this ability of being in harmony can be achieved through the various understandings of sounds related with chakras.

Begin with the practices will help us to enhance the human conscious and be integral harmony of the true self. Let us start now and ponder over the effects of these various sounds present within the conscious of mind and body to achieve the perfection of its excellence.

Guided meditation for chakra balancing

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