What is sound therapy

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Sound therapy
The understanding of music's role and function in therapy and medicine is undergoing a rapid transformation. It is based on neuroscientific research showing the reciprocal relationship between studying neurobiological foundations of music in the brain. Furthermore sound healing shows how music changes brain and behavior function.

The theory and clinical practice of music therapy are changing more and more from a social science model, based on cultural roles and general well-being concepts, to a neuroscience-guided model based on brain function and music perception. This paradigm shift has the potential to move music therapy from an adjunct method to a central treatment modality in rehabilitation and therapy.
Sound as therapy
Sound therapy treatment is both a passive and participatory experience. The passive aspect is that you become more relaxed by laying down and slowing your breath. By doing this, you prepare yourself to become the receiver of sound. In this place of stillness, you become more open and aware of each sound that comes in. Sound helps create the pathway to this place of stillness the same as a mantra helps you to arrive at the still point of meditation.
How it works
Sound is a vibration and it can be transmitted to the body through the air or directly through the skin. One of the methods is to place singing bowls on chakra points and ring them, letting the resonance and penetrate deeply. For practitioners wanting to make body contact with a number of chakras at the same time, the best types are the smaller Thadobati bowls and thin Remuna bowls. These singing bowls are light enough to not be disturbing to the body, small enough so you can place more than one at a time, and have a relatively flat bottom for good contact. Manipuri bowls with their rounded bottoms can be a bit more difficult to maintain in place.
Sound healing based on the chakras can also be practiced by playing different instruments above or beside the client.

Who is sound healer or sound therapist?
A sound therapist or sound healer is a person who uses different methods to restore physical and mental health from an unbalanced, diseased, damaged or revitalized organism. Often called "sounders", they say that it works by lowering blood pressure, improving circulation and reducing respiratory rates. The task of the healer is to reveal the problem and choose the right method to cure it.
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Instruments you can use for it
Himalayan bowls, didgeridoo, bells, drums, flute indian classical music instruments, primordial sounds, and various other healing instruments. Some of the tools you can use are voice, drumming and tuning forks.
Check out workshop page to know more about learnin sacred instruments for healing.
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Developing awareness
It's important to note that awareness plays a huge role in healing. It plays a huge role for a healer, to be present while working, and for a client, to be aware of the body, breath, and sound around you. That's why vocal toning is an incredibly powerful practice that gives us the ability to fine-tune our greatest vibrational instrument: our own body. We always encourage clients to incorporate simple, but effective breathing exercises and vocal toning exercises in their daily routine, to help bring a greater sense of balance into their lives.
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How to become sound therapist?
Check out our programs and courses. If you don't find any suitable, you can message us for a private offer.
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